Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ok, calm down, calm down,
Your hearts going a little too fast,
Ok, breathe now, breathe now,
Your heart will slow down,
You’re not dying, just breathe out.

Ok, calm down, calm down
I know it’s unsettling,
But you just need to breathe now,
Breathe deep, breathe out,
You’re not going to die, I promise.

Oh my heart’s trying to run through my chest
straight to the outside, trying to get out
of my ears, of my head, out of my chest.

Ok, calm down, calm down,
You’re hearts going a bit too fast,
But you’re in hospital now,
The best place to be, this will slow,
You’re not dying, just breathe now.

Ok, the tests are a good thing,
Better to know what’s wrong,
Ok, calm down, calm down,
You’re working yourself up now,
Just calm down,
You are not dying, just breathe out.

Oh my heart’s trying to barrel through my chest
straight to the outside, trying to get out
of my ears, of my head, out of my chest.

Ok, calm down, calm down,
You’re only twenty one,
Your heart beat is just strong,
But no that’s too fast,
and why do they look so worried?
Oh God, why do they have those looks
on their faces? Stop now, stop now.

Ok, calm down, you’re panicking now,
You’re only twenty one,
Nothing can be all that wrong,
Calm down, calm down, you’re
making it so much worse now,
Just breathe in and out and calm down.

Oh my heart is clawing at my ribs
just trying to make it out now,
I feel it in my ears, my chest, oh god,
just make it stop.

Ok, that’s good, calm down,
Just breathe in, hear the sound,
It’s starting to slow down
(Thank God)
Just keep on breathing
and stop looking at all the machines
every five minutes,
Ok, that’s good, calm down,
Just breathe in, hear the sound,
It’s starting to slow down
(Thank God)
Just keep on going now,

Let your eyes to rest, soon the feeling in your chest
will fade slowly, but fade surely,
Just let your eyes rest as you feel the hammering in your chest
start to fade slowly, but fade surely,
Just let your eyes to rest for a moment,

And just calm down.

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