Thursday, May 5, 2011

What would you say if I said
the sky is an illusion above our head,
It is merely a blanket to cover the heavens,
So we can’t see what we’re going to get
until we’re dead...

And this being the case, we’re all treating
the dirt like a trampoline to get just a glimpse,
That’s why we bury the dead underground,
pretending we’re not in on the secret,

But either the springs give in and you sink
right through to Hell, or the springs
are your friend and you get just a glimpse

before you’re left in the ground, just bouncing
up and down but never really settling,
Is this what they call limbo? Is this what they
call purgatory?

So then who is it that weighs our hearts and decides,
Is it the worms that feed on our dead bodies
sending messages, maybe it’s the taste
and maybe worms really have a purpose,

The only truth I know is the sky is a blanket
covering the heavens and if so, this dirt’s
springs better not give in any time soon,
But really, how long can a trampoline last?

One day, will we all go to Hell, no questions
asked, and then we’re all in a rush to beat that day,
No wonder there are so many suicides these days,
All trying to get into heaven or more so all trying
to stay out of Hell,

what if under that blanket of stars lies Hell?
We got it all mixed around and the heaven
is below, and the Hell is above, but how
will we ever know while we’re alive?

We won’t.

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