Saturday, April 4, 2009


Take a step back and close your eyes
Let the images of the world you hold slip away
Open refreshed eyes and take a step forward.
Feel your cipilary muscles stretch your eyes wide
Realise you’re living in a world that’s far from right
And just accepting it as the way of life
When there are so many things that need to change.
Changing the world starts with the first few lessons we learn in life.
After playing a game the question to ask isn’t “who won?”
It’s “did you have fun?”
And your kid might not grow up to want to fight in a war
Just to prove themselves to you.
Next, don’t expect of your kids what you don’t expect of yourself.
If you smoke, they smoke.
If you swear, they swear.
Taking this into consideration, put thought into your actions
And don’t judge others based on colour, race or religion,
Cause we’re trying to flush racism out of the next generation.
Teach your kid “if they hit you, you don’t hit back”
Then maybe your kid can teach you back
“Hey dad, why is our government sending our troops to war?”
“Well son, they did something bad to us so we have to show them
they can’t get away with that”
“But dad…you always taught me, if they hit you, you don’t hit back.”
This is when you close your eyes, take a breath,
No answer in your throat you are forced to open your eyes
And look at the world through new ones
And realise you’re living in a world that’s not right
And just accepting it as life.
Think about the lessons before you teach them.

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